Our highly educated IT students are extra available in the summer months! Because our mission is to help as many students as possible with a great side job. Our programmers can get started right away, so take advantage of this promotion now.
Reach out to usYou can work with our developers without having to sign a long-term contract. Meeting up with a developer is completely free to see if our superhero is right for your project.
Due to the summer holidays, many of our programmers have a high availability and they are eager to apply their acquired knowledge in practice.
Has that one project been on the shelf for months? With our non-binding conditions, this is an ideal time to deploy an extra superhero
The goal of Kojac is to form a bridge between companies and students by means of (side) jobs. At Kojac we currently have a huge database of smart Junior Developers and Data Scientists. The approaching summer vacation and the current circumstances ensure that a large number of these students are available and eager to make themselves useful. There is a good chance that in the past you also wanted a relevant part-time job where you could use your freshly gained knowledge and talents! Contrary to the market, at Kojac we have no shortage of highly skilled programmers. In terms of years of work experience they may well underclass a senior developer, but in terms of adaptability, flexibility and knowledge they often outperform a standard external hiring! We can of course recommend that you just try a developer from Kojac. The fear of the unknown, involving a student, can only be allayed by giving it a try. In addition, Kojac has been doing this successfully for 33 years and many companies have found a smart developer through us without obligation! To encourage you to form a bridge between companies and students, we offer a 10% discount on new contracts in the months of June, July and August. Hopefully that will remove some of the threshold! Our developers come from technical universities and colleges from all over the country. With a broad IT knowledge, they can quickly add value to your project, as a working student or developer. The student programmers have, among others, experience with the Frontend, Backend, Mobile Apps, Embedded systems and Data Science. Do you want to scale up risk-free, can you use help with a difficult job or do you just need a widely deployable highly educated technical student? Then Kojac is there to help you!
Reach out to us