Wat is C++?
C++ (“C-plus-plus”) is a mid-level programming language for general purposes. C++ is relatively close to the hardware, which provides control in terms of storage management, performance and finally robust software development. C++ is a direct descendant of programming language C. An important difference is that C++ is a multi-paradigm language: a language in which different programming paradigms can be handled (simultaneously). This creates a set of a growing number of techniques, where earlier concepts and ideas can be complemented with new possibilities. Hence, sometimes it’s called a “better C.”
What does a C++ developer do?
A C++ developer designs and creates software solutions with the programming language of the same name. Aside from programming, developing and optimising, maintenance of the software systems also belongs in their set of tasks. A C++ developer is generally responsible for building applications that may vary from desktop applications to mobile applications and embedded systems. C++ is very suited for embedded systems because it is relatively close to the hardware, which makes it easy to convert it to machine code. C++ developers are very good at transforming the users’ and clients’ wishes into usable C++ solutions.
In daily life, he is a graduate student Electrical Engineering at TU Delft. Camiel did a minor in Computer Science