Wat is SQL?
SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is the standard language used to communicate with a database. SQL-statements are often used to perform tasks like updating, retrieving or deleting data from a database. There are many different ‘flavors’ of SQL, but they all have the same function: to interact with data from the database.
What does a SQL developer do?
You won’t come across the term ‘SQL developer’ too often, since SQL is incorporated in basically all systems that communicate with a database. Hence, every developer that will have to deal with a database will possess basic knowledge of SQL.
SQL experts are responsible for designing and maintaining such databases. They are concerned with storage, organisation and security of information in relational database systems. They are responsible for testing, debugging and solving problems concerning databases, or transferring database information from older to newer systems.
In daily life, he studies Data Science at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. He uses SQL to work with databases, combined with Python.